This document will help you get started with Muse 3 and make the most of it. We’re always available to help at if your question isn’t answered here.
<aside> 🚀 Download Muse 3 for Mac, iPad, and iPhone:
Think of the side bar as the main control panel for your workspace(s). You can switch workspaces from here, access search, see who’s online in a shared workspace, and see a list of where you’ve linked the board you’re in.
You can show or hide using the keyboard shortcut ⌘ + ctrl + S or the icon on the left in the top navigation bar.
If you’re in a shared workspace, under Workspace collaborators you can:
In a remote setting it’s nice to have an ambient awareness of what your team is up to — it makes working in different locations a little less detached.
<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-northeast_gray.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-northeast_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Learn more about collaboration in Muse
Hover over members’ names to see which board they’re in
Use the back and forward arrows to move between the current board and boards you were in before.
When you’re down a rabbit hole of deeply nested boards, use the breadcrumbs to move up the hierarchy. You can also rename your boards by clicking or tapping on the name.
Access your Profile settings, share your current board, and toggle the zoom level.
On iPad, you can also open app settings and undo / redo actions from the navigation bar. Additionally, you can tap anywhere with two / three fingers to undo / redo.
You can add text, boards, ink, and other media using the toolbar at the bottom (more on rich media cards). In the toolbar on iPad, you get an extra icon for pasting things.